Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Make Money as a Freelance Writer for Beginners

When starting out as a freelance writer, you may not have any or a few clips. Clips are articles that you write whether it's done online or offline. If you do have a few recent clips, then you are somewhat ahead of the game. But if you have no clips, it's time to get started by writing for money. When you start writing articles, make sure that you decide what kind of topic to write about and that you are very knowledgeable in a certain area. If you do not have much knowledge about something, do some research about that topic of what other people write about so then you can get a feel of how to write one. Here are a few ways to make money as a freelance writer.

Write at a writing site that pays you either by upfront payment and/or residual income. The difference between the two is that for upfront payment, you get paid for a certain amount of money depending on how much the company would give you for per articles that you write. But for residual income, it's where you have articles that even though you wrote them months ago, you are still getting paid whether your articles have Google adsense and/or for certain amount of traffic that are being directed to your articles.

Make a blog or website. Most people start off with a blog since it is much easier to write on and there aren't too many rules for blogging. You make money by placing ads where people can click on but make sure it is relevant to your site. There are many sites and places that pay bloggers and writers for having their ads on the site such as adsense, chitika and adbrite just to name a few. There are some very popular blogs from bloggers that make lots of money each month and it's a great way to see how others do that.

Blog or do articles for other people. Take some time to learn about SEO writing and marketing. SEO writing uses keywords which are words that you use in your articles that people are looking for some certain information. Some keywords make more money than others and knowing about SEO will make more money compared to the other keywords that doesn't help bring in much traffic.

Most of the companies will pay by paypal, check or other payment methods. Paypal are usually the prefer method to get the money and it is free to sign up. A few ways to get your payment from paypal is A. by direct deposit which you need a checking account or have a legit credit card for proof of who you are or B. have Paypal send you a regular check for $1.50 which is deducted from your profit. Using Paypal is definitely the way to go to get some money for what you write and now have the information to start making money.

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